記得當我起大學讀緊 Project Management 時,有一課講專業操守,有一條功課的題目是講到在投標程序時你發現上司有不公平的操作,你會如何處理呢?而那條題目的參考答案是這樣的
…. Inform your manager what you plan to tell the customer. If your manager forbids you to do what is ethical, it is time to look for another employer. (Is this the best thing for you to do? I don’t know. There is a risk that you may lose your job. If you are not very good at what you do, you may not be able to find another job soon. You may become depressed by being out of work. You would hate me because I said it was the right thing to do. I cannot say what the best thing is for you to do. Everyone sets a different ethical standard for him- or herself. Act according to your values, abilities and the risks you can afford.)

對基督徒而言,我們會如何回應 — ‘Act according to your values, abilities and the risks you can afford’ 這問題?我地所能承受的代價,只在於今生所見嗎?(接著的層次就真是要進入信心的部份了!)